Purple Dove Media Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to us.
Purple Dove Media is commmitted to protecting the privacy of your personally-identifiable information as you use this website.
Personal identifiable and non-personal information
Our Privacy Policy identifies how we treat your personally identifiable information and non-personal information.
What is personal information and how is it collected?
Personal information is personally identifiable information recorded about an individual. Personally identifiable information may include name, address, email, phone number. An example of when we collect personal information about you is when you submit an enquiry through to us using our online enquiry form or when you choose to sign-up for our monthly newsletters.
Are there cookies used on this site to collect personal information?
Yes. Please see our Cookie Policy to learn about cookies on this site.
How does Purple Dove Media share personal information with others?
Purple Dove Media will not share your personal information collected from this website. This means we will not sell, exchange or publish your personal information. Exemptions are only for any reasons that have a legal basis or otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy. If you share information with any display advertisers that are shown on our website, including by clicking on their ads, this Privacy Policy does not control the advertisers use of your personal information, and you should check the privacy policies of those advertisers and/or ad services to learn about their use of cookies and other technology before linking to an ad.
How is personal information used for communications?
The web form feature on this website allows you to communicate with us. For us to respond to your personal request we may send you a response via email or telephone call using the information you provided us. If you signed up for our newsletter feature or any other web features on the site, we will communicate with you based on your preferences.
For our existing clients who have a secure personal login (agreed upon by both parties) use this portal to be able to view Real-time statistics, monthly rankings, and download reports. This privacy-led information is communicated to the end-user direct from the web portal. Personal data is updated on a monthly basis, and available to access at any time, from anywhere with Internet access, and from any device.
How is personal information secured?
This website is Secure.
The website has been developed with accepted standards of technology and enforced security measures to protect your personal information. Our most recent/enhanced security feature is our SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate, which is used to ensure that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.
Purple Dove Media has built privacy into the design, operation and management of our internal website, systems, business processes and design specifications to protect personal information from loss, breach, alteration or destruction, and more. We adhere to our Privacy by Design Policy which includes 7 core principles of Privacy by Design framework and methodology for Privacy by Design.
Website links
This site contains internal and external links. Links that we provide to other sites are for your reference or for information that we think may be of interest to you. Purple Dove Media is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these external websites.
How can I access, change, and/or delete personal information held about me?
If you have submitted personally identifiable information on the website and would like to access, change, and/delete it, you can do so either by emailing us with your request at e: info@purpledovemedia.com . To unsubscribe to our email newsletters please click the unsubscribe button displayed at the bottom of an email we’ve sent you.
Changes to our privacy policy
Purple Dove Media reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be listed in this section. If you have any questions about privacy for any websites operated under Purple Dove Media, or about our website practices, please contact us at