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The value of microcontent for social media

Published by : PDM on 01 April 2020

In a world where we are constantly on the move with our mobile devices and immediate access to social media, it is certain that microcontent really does appeal to most of us. Microcontent is instant, short-form and bite-sized, meaning that it is easy to engage with, understand and retain. Microcontent can also be a great way to help promote larger pieces of content. It is best suited for Social Media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook because people can quickly scan the bite-size content and be prompted to link to other relatable content. 

When we create social media marketing campaigns for our client's audiences, we are constantly producing content and optimising content primarily for user experience resulting in microcontent being one of the most important types of content that we produce to get the audience’s attention as opposed to long-form and evergreen content for example. To give you an idea of the type of microcontent formats we may create and share includes: GIFs, Memes, short videos, custom slides, a short snappy one-liner, a photo, a statistic, fun fact, tip and quote.

Of course, not all formats would be suitable for all our clients and their audience, thus a clear custom-made content strategy is formed for each one from the outset. There is so much value in microcontent and you will see the value once you see the popularity of your social media pages and when you do remember these 3 letters “UGC”. UGC stands for User Generated Content, it is your users that will help improve your social media growth further. Fact, when your audience falls in love with your content, they will be promoting it for free.

 “Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first” ~ Wendy Piersall